Mac os sierra create a dmg for app store downloaded xcode
Mac os sierra create a dmg for app store downloaded xcode

mac os sierra create a dmg for app store downloaded xcode

I tried dozens of combinations of solutions and googled it to death. You click it, and the "an error occurred" message would appear, then the "Please use Purchase page." Using purchases page buttons resulted in the same error. Then app store would show same apps and "Update" button. My symptoms were: various apps were uninstalled (moved to trash can etc) OR were updated over time. enabling the debug menu for app store ( defaults write ShowDebugMenu -bool true ) - this is what ultimately lead me to my solution.screwed about with DNS, networking as mentioned in some quarters (red herring IMO).

mac os sierra create a dmg for app store downloaded xcode

rebooted, reset app store, manually deleted caches and such like.relogged into my account, signed out signed in etc.wiping all caches, cookies amd such like.I tried numerous searched fixes, including The fact this Q refers to xcode is completely immaterial, I was seeing this issue across several apps with no commonality. This has been bugging me for months and I was determined to sit down and fix it. I wanted to add my experience to this thread to help searchers.

Mac os sierra create a dmg for app store downloaded xcode